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Admissions Requirements

The Admissions requirements for the PEACE Program for 2025 are below. The Application and Admissions procedures for the PEACE Program are conducted online using our WEB system. Before applying, please carefully review the Application Guide on the “How to Apply”page for further details regarding the Admissions requirements.
In addition, we also have the “Recommendation Entrance Application (Recommendation by the school principal)” for admission to the PEACE Program. The Recommendation Entrance Application is carried out only for the students from designated high schools concluding the student’s acceptance agreement into the PEACE Program. The admissions requirements are determined by each high school, so please check the details with your teacher or school counselor in your school.
Before applying, please carefully review the Application Guide below for further details regarding the Admissions requirements.
Application Guide for 2025 Admissions (For General Entrance Application)
Application Guide for 2025 Admissions (For Recommendation Entrance Application)
*This PDF is protected. Please enter the password given to the partner high schools.
Admissions Eligibility
Students who meet all of the following conditions (1 to 4) are eligible to apply.
Those who fall under (a) or (b).
Those who have completed 12 years or more of school education, either inside or outside of Japan (including those who have been fast-tracked and have completed the regular courses in less than 12 years) by the end of February 2025 (for April admission in 2025) or August 2025 (for September admission in 2025).
Those who have obtained the International A level, International Baccalaureate, or GCE A level qualifications, which serve as entry requirements for universities overseas by the end of February 2025 (for April admission in 2025) or August 2025 (for September admission in 2025).
Those who have a strong desire to study in the PEACE Program (College of Law and Politics, College of Intercultural Communication, Global Liberal Arts Program).
Those who possess nationality other than Japanese nationality. (Those who can submit a copy of a foreign passport other than a Japanese passport.)
Those who can submit a copy of a foreign passport other than a Japanese passport
Even if you possess Japanese nationality, you can still apply if you also have another non-Japanese nationality.
Those who can submit the documents certifying that they meet one of the designated requirements for the curriculum (a) to (k) as specified below by the application deadline.
Note the following:
Predicted scores will be accepted for the PEACE Program applications if the applicant’s Final Score is not finalized at the time of application deadline. If the applicant is provisionally accepted, the Conditional Offer will be issued. Applicants who receive a Conditional Offer must submit the proof of Final Score by the end of February 2025 (for April admission in 2025) or August 2025 (for September admission in 2025). Applicants who fail to submit the documents by the due date or whose Final Score does not meet the requirements of (a)~(k) will be rejected.If applicants who become candidates for scholarships fail to meet the requirements, the scholarship will be withdrawn or canceled.
Recipients of the Rikkyo Promising Future Scholarship are subject to having the residence status of “Student” at the time of admission and enrollment at Rikkyo University. Thus, even if you meet the admissions requirements for the Rikkyo Promising Future Scholarship, you will not be eligible for the Scholarship if you do not have the residence status of “Student” at the time of your admission and enrollment at Rikkyo University.
A note to those who hold dual nationality of Japan and another country: Based on the Japanese Law (Article 61 of the Immigration Control and Refuge and Recognition Act), Entry and Stay in Japan falls under the return to Japan of Japanese nationals, and thus, the conditions for receiving the Rikkyo Promising Future Scholarship will not be met.
The academic requirements listed below (by type and/or region) show the minimum requirements for admission and for the Rikkyo Promising Future Scholarship. Note that, even if the applicant satisfies the minimum requirements for admission or the Rikkyo Promising Future Scholarship, neither are guaranteed.
Entry requirements
Best two to three subjects of A or AS Levels
- *Only “English”as follows are accepted from the category of language subjects.
- English: English Language, English-Literature, English Language and Literature, English General Paper.
Minimum score
8, For scholarship: 11
Pre-requisite subject and minimum score
English 4, For scholarship: English 5
- *If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship).
Grade conversion
A-Levels: A*=5, A=5, B=4, C=3, AS: 0.5 of A-Levels,
D and E =NA
Entry requirements
Full IB Diploma
Minimum score
28, For scholarship: 35
Pre-requisite subject and minimum score
English A 5(Same as for scholarship)
Either English A Literature or English A Language & Literature accepted
- *If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship).
Entry requirements
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
Minimum score
79, For scholarship: 85
Pre-requisite subject and minimum score (HSC assessment)
English 75, For scholarship: 80
- *If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship).
High school location is not required if all of the following conditions are met.
It complies with the Australian education system.
ATAR and HSC scores can be submitted.
It is certified as an official high school in its country or accredited by such organizations* as WASC, CIS, ACSI, NEASC, Cognia, or COBIS.
- *International accrediting organizations designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Entry requirements (Both 1 and 2)
Best five university level subjects in English
SAT or ACT score report
Minimum score
65 for each subject, For scholarship: 80 for each subject
SAT: 1170 (English section 600) or ACT: 24 (English section 25)
For scholarship: SAT: 1250 (English section 650) or ACT: 26 (English section 27)- *If the “English section” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship). In this case, the total score of SAT or ACT must still meet the minimum score requirement.
High school location is not required if all of the following conditions are met.
It complies with the Alberta or Ontario or British Columbia education system.
“Best five university level subjects in English” and “SAT or ACT score report” can be submitted.
It is certified as an official high school in its country or accredited by such organizations* as WASC, CIS, ACSI, NEASC, Cognia, or COBIS.
- *International accrediting organizations designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
<For HKDSE Candidates in or before 2023>
Entry requirements (Both 1 and 2)
Best five subjects
TOEFL (iBT) or IELTS (Academic/overall band)
Minimum score
18, For scholarship: 22
TOEFL (iBT) 94 or IELTS (Academic/overall band) 6.5(Same as for scholarship)
<For HKDSE Candidates in or after 2024>
Entry requirements (All of the 1,2, and 3)
Best four subjects
Among the core subjects, the subject which is not graded but is assessed solely on an "Attained"/"Unattained" basis.
TOEFL (iBT) or IELTS (Academic/overall band)
Minimum score
14, For scholarship: 17
Attained(Same as for scholarship)
TOEFL (iBT) 94 or IELTS (Academic/overall band) 6.5(Same as for scholarship)
Grade conversion(For HKDSE Candidates in or before 2024)
【CAT A】5**=7, 5* = 6, 5 = 5, 4 = 4, 3 = 3, 2 = 2, 1 = 1
【CAT B】Attained with Distinction (II) = 4, Attained with Distinction (I) = 3,
Attained = 0【CAT C】A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1
Grade conversion(For HKDSE Candidates in 2025)
【CAT A】5**=7, 5* = 6, 5 = 5, 4 = 4, 3 = 3, 2 = 2, 1 = 1
【CAT B】Attained with Distinction (II) = 4, Attained with Distinction (I) = 3,
Attained = 0【CAT C】

Entry requirements (Both 1 and 2)
Best three subjects
TOEFL (iBT) or IELTS (Academic/overall band)
Minimum score
10.00, For scholarship: 11.00
TOEFL (iBT) 94 or IELTS (Academic/overall band) 6.5(Same as for scholarship)
Grade conversion
A+=4.00, A=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3.00,
B-, C+, C=NA
Entry requirements (Both 1 and 2)
Best five subjects
TOEFL (iBT) or IELTS (Academic/overall band)
Minimum score
18, For scholarship: 15
TOEFL (iBT) 94 or IELTS (Academic/overall band) 6.5(Same as for scholarship)
Entry requirements
Best three subjects from H2 and Best 1 subject from H1
Minimum score
10, For scholarship: 12
Pre-requisite subject and minimum score
General Paper C(Same as for scholarship)
- *If the “General Paper” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship).
Grade conversion
H2: A=5, B=4, C=3, H1: 0.5 of H2,
D and E =NA
Entry requirements
Best two to three subjects of A or AS Levels
- *Only “English” as follows are accepted from the category of language subjects.
- English: English Language, English-Literature, English Language and Literature .
Minimum score
8, For scholarship: 11
Pre-requisite subject and minimum score
English 4, For scholarship: English 5
- * If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship).
Grade conversion
A Levels: A*=5, A=5, B=4, C=3, AS: 0.5 of A Levels,
D and E =NA
Entry requirements
SAT or ACT score report
Minimum score
SAT: 1170 (English section 600) or ACT: 24 (English section 25)
For scholarship:
SAT: 1250 (English section 650) or ACT: 26 (English section 27)
- * If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL(iBT)94 or IELTS(Academic/overall band)6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship). In this case, the total score of SAT or ACT must still meet the minimum score requirement.
High school location is not required if all of the following conditions are met.
It complies with the US education system.
SAT or ACT scores can be submitted.
It is certified as an official high school in its country or accredited by such organizations* as WASC, CIS, ACSI, NEASC, Cognia, or COBIS.
- *International accrediting organizations designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Entry requirements
SAT or ACT score report
Minimum score
SAT: 1170 (English section 600) or ACT: 24 (English section 25)
For scholarship:
SAT: 1250 (English section 650) or ACT: 26 (English section 27)- *If the “English” of the requirement above is not satisfied,【TOEFL (iBT) 94 or IELTS (Academic / overall band) 6.5】or higher may be substituted (Same as for scholarship). In this case, the total score of SAT or ACT must still meet the minimum score requirement.
*High school location is not required if all of the following conditions are met.
It complies with the Vietnam, Mongolia, Indonesia, or Taiwan education system
SAT or ACT scores can be submitted.
It is certified as an official high school in its country or accredited by such organizations* as WASC, CIS, ACSI, NEASC, Cognia, or COBIS.
- *International accrediting organizations designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.