Stage 2 Explore Further
Lesson 18/21
Support for International Students

Rikkyo University is prepared to help you with any matter - including setting down in your new environment, your studies, or your accommodations. Below you will find the primary resources we offer.
Academic and Student Support
International Office

The International Office provides support throughout the orientation process, any Student Visa or immigration issue, issues regarding your accommodations, scholarships and so on. Please visit the International Office whenever you need any support or advice concerning your university life.

One-week orientations are held for new students in the first week of each semester (in April and September). New students will go through several sessions throughout the week so that they may start their life at Rikkyo University smoothly. Here are some of the orientation topics:
Student ID card issuance
Course registration
Introduction to using university resources such as common computers and the library system
Safety in Japan
Orientation for dormitory residents
Guidance sessions for scholarships
Guidance for international students on banking, resident registration, and other matters
Buddy System

Rikkyo University coordinates a Buddy program whereby pre-selected students of the same College are assigned to help incoming international students to learn their way around academic and campus life. Your Buddy can help you when you have questions about life in Japan, Rikkyo, course selection, and issues with assignments.
Japanese Language Support

The Center for Japanese Language Education (CJLE) at Rikkyo University offers Japanese language for-credit courses for beginners to advanced levels for all international students. The CJLE also offers the 'Japanese Language Support Desk', a free service offered by Japanese language education specialists to provide advice on how to effectively learn Japanese, about Japanese writing for class assignments, and on job-hunting documents.
Career Support

Rikkyo offers progressive career support throughout your four years from two sides: the Career Center and your College. The Career Center strategically offers seminars and panel discussions on job-hunting as well as personal counseling for career development. The Career Center also provides plenty of information on job opportunities/vacancies for which a number of companies encourage Rikkyo students to apply. In addition, each College supports students in their career interests related to their specialized field of their programs and offer internship programs and career design subjects through affiliation with companies/organizations.
Intercultural Events at a Global Lounge

The Ikebukuro and Niiza Campuses both have a Global Lounge, a place where the world meets. At the Global Lounge, we hold weekly gatherings asking international students to showcase something about their home country, allowing students the chance to use their home languages with others or to interact in Japanese. We also organize Japanese and seasonal events every month (e.g., cherry blossom viewing picnics, Christmas parties, New Year's events, etc.) to promote interaction between international and Japanese students.
Well-being and Health
Being healthy physically and mentally is the most important aspect for an enjoyable student life. The Rikkyo Student Counseling Center and Health Center are on campus with specialists who work to support the well-being of all students.
Student Counseling Center
The Student Counseling Center offers counseling services at both Ikebukuro and Niiza campuses. In Ikebukuro, a Japanese licensed clinical psychologist provides services every weekday. English-speaking specialists are available. You can seek counseling for whatever issues you may have. For example:
Not being able to adjust to Japanese culture
Feeling homesick
Interpersonal problems related to instructors and other students
Stress management
Health Center
The Health Center (locations on both campuses) provides a variety of services, including the annually compulsory health check for all Rikkyo students, general consultations, and walk-in services for the purpose of helping students to maintain and improve their health to have a fulfilling school life.
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
*Operating hours are subject to change.
Rikkyo University has a clinic as a medical institution on the Ikebukuro Campus, where all students can see a doctor when they get sick. To receive treatment, you must present your student ID card and a valid Japanese National Health Insurance card. Please note that if you forget to bring your insurance card, you may have to pay for your medical expense. Please also refer to the details about the Student Mutual-Aid Health Insurance Union.
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
*Operating hours are subject to change.
Students with Disabilities Support Office
The Rikkyo University campus community cooperates and supports students with disabilities. Some specialised coordinators are stationed in the Students with Disabilities Support Office on the Ikebukuro and Niiza campuses. Coordinators work with the administration and faculty to make adjustments to provide suitable support for students with disabilities. For example, trained student volunteers attend classes with students who have hearing difficulties to take computer-based notes to convey the contents of lectures to them.